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Different Salt Profiles

Our bath soaks and artisan handmade soaps contain a variety of natural salts for their different profile, check it out below. 

Always seek medical advice for treatment of conditions.

Information provided as a guide only and should not replace medical advice.

Before the days where having a shower become the usual in our busy and every changing lifestyle, a soak in the bath was once the norm. Salt baths were enjoyed in order to relax and reduce muscle tension, melt away stress, and detoxify the body. They have even been recommended to improve blood circulation, and even treat menstrual cramping.

Back in 2700 AD, the earliest pharmacology publication - Peng-Tzao-Kan-Mu, recorded numerous ways of mining and using salt, including it's medicinal usage, many of which are still used today.

An English Doctor published an article on the healing and relaxing effects of saltwater back in 1753. The masses then descended to the coastal beaches of England and France. Eventually over the years, bath houses, spas and luxury hotels would begin to offer salt baths.

From generation to generation, the healing and medicinal properties of salt has been passed on. Mention epsom salts in a conversation, and I can bet that most people know of its use, with many having this hidden away in a cupboard. I can remember being a kid and my grandmother running a bath for me with epsom salts.

The benefits of salt is still known today, with many travelling far and wide to natural mineral hot pools (I know I have), yet with the increase of bath salt production and availability, not all salts and not all products are the same. Mass production has resulted in the availability of man-made salts readily available on the shelves.


Epsom salt is not a salt at all, even though it looks like salt. Epsom salt is actually a naturally occurring mineral deposit made up of magnesium and sulphate. Originating in Epsom England, this fantastic mineral was mined from natural occurring deposits. Since then, this source has been depleted along with many of the other natural deposits. As a result, many of the Epsom salts available are man-made through a process where they blend together magnesium and sulphur compounds. The Epsom salt we use in our products is a naturally occurring raw ingredient, acquired from a company which sustainably sources it from natural deposits in Germany.

Epsom salt is used medicinally under Doctors instructions as a laxative, through to the treatment of irregular heart rhythm, low blood magnesium, eclampsia, and severe tetanus. When it comes to the benefits of soaking in an epsom salt bath, very little scientific research has been done into the area. The benefits have been passed through the generations, for its use to help alleviate muscle cramps, help reduce tension and improve circulation. It is believed that while you are relaxing in a salt bath, your body will be soaking up the goodness and absorbed into the skin, it can help you feel refreshed and energized.

Whether there is scientific evidence or not, I still find that a nice warm salt bath is a great way to destress and relax at the end of a working week (and sometimes in between!)


Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride is sometimes also referred to as magnesium flakes, and most commonly found in nutritional supplements., and more recently used in magnesium oil spray. While is share some similarity to epsom salt, it has a different compound makeup - it is a natural compound comprised of magnesium and chloride.

Our supplier of magnesium chloride sources the natural flakes from the Tibetan Plateau, a pristine lake with abundant ancient mineral deposits. The unusually high altitude of the Tibetan Plateau at 3,200 meters above sea level and coupled with the lake’s isolation ensures absolute purity. The magnesium chloride is harvested naturally, and dried naturally by utilizing the natural solar energy, concentrating the salt to a level much higher than you will typically find in some other brands. Our supplier utilities locals harvest and ship the salt, the same local individuals who acknowledge the balance and fragility of the eco-system.

The use of Magnesium Chloride in the bath may aid in the release of muscle tension, relax the mind and body to assist with a good nights rest, improve skin health, and to simply destress and rejuvenate.


Pink Himalayan Salt (Pink Halite or Mineral Halite)

Pink Himalayan salt truly is a salt worthy of its place in the bathroom. It contains 84 naturally occurring trace elements and minerals, and it sourced from the secluded regions in the Himalayan. These concentrated minerals and trace elements is what gives this salt its striking deep pink colour.

We source our Pink Himalayan Salt from a reputable supplier, this fantastic natural salt is free from environmental pollutants, with no added colours, additives, or other agents. It's completely GMO and fumigation-free. All it contains are the 84 trace elements and minerals that occur naturally in the earth. To top that off, our supplier sources the salt from a company willing to give back to the community through support programs which give a percentage of their profit to local communities designed to assist individuals with disabilities with employment.

The striking deep pink colour of this exotic salt is a beauty to behold, indicative of its rich and varying concentrated mineral content, and trace elements. When dissolved in the bath in creates a wondrous experience for the mind, body and soul. Its a salt which the body responds to so well, with a mineral ratio that is said to closely mirror that found in the healthy human body. When it comes to purity and mineral content no other Himalayan Pink Salt compares!



The science of Epsom salt bathing for recovery from muscle pain, soreness, or injury

Myth or Reality—Transdermal Magnesium?

Interaction of mineral salts with the skin: a literature survey



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